COA At-a-Glance
Evidence of cognitive interviewing of draft instrument in target patient population
Evidence of internal consistency
Evidence of test-retest or inter-rater reliability
Evidence of concurrent validity
Evidence of known-groups validity
Evidence of ability to detect change over time
Evidence of responder thresholds
Inclusion of the COA in product labelling
- Overview
- Content Validity
- Reliability
- Validity
- Ability to Detect Change
- Responder Thresholds
- Reference(s) of development / validation
- Other references
- Inclusion of the COA in product labelling
- Existence of Scoring / Interpretation / User Manual
- Original language and translations
- References of translations
- Authors and contact information
- Condition of use: copyright
- Website
- Review copy
Instrument Name: Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales – Third Edition Maladaptive Behavior Domain Domain-Level Interview Form
Abbreviation: Vineland III-MBD Domain-Level Interview Form
Description of Tool:
The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales – Third Edition Maladaptive Behavior Domain Domain-Level Interview Form is an ObsRO developed to provide a brief assessment of problem behaviors in children and adults aged 3-90 years as well as to help diagnose and to determine if a more in-depth assessment of problematic behavior is warranted
Other Related Tools (if applicable):
Vineland III Comprehensive Interview Form - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales - Third Edition Comprehensive Interview Form
Vineland III Domain-Level Interview Form - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales - Third Edition Domain-Level Interview Form
Vineland III Comprehensive Parent/Caregiver Form - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales - Third Edition Comprehensive Parent/Caregiver Form
Vineland III Domain-Level Parent/Caregiver Form - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales - Third Edition Domain-Level Parent/Caregiver Form
Vineland III Comprehensive Teacher Form - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales - Third Edition Comprehensive Teacher Form
Vineland III Domain-Level Teacher Form - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales - Third Edition Domain-Level Teacher Form
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales - Third Edition Maladaptive Behavior Domain Comprehensive Interview Form
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales – Third Edition Maladaptive Behavior Domain Comprehensive Parent/Caregiver Form
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales – Third Edition Maladaptive Behavior Domain Domain-Level Interview Form
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales – Third Edition Maladaptive Behavior Domain Domain-Level Parent/Caregiver Form
Vineland II - Expanded Interview form - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales II - Expanded Interview form
Vineland II - Parent/Caregiver form - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales II - Parent/Caregiver form
Vineland II - Teacher Rating form - Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales II - Teacher Rating form
Minimum Qualification Required by COA Administrator: MA or BA
The VABS III has been developed from the VABS
The Maladaptive Behavior Domain is an optional scale within the VABS
The Maladaptive Behavior Domain is also included in the Parent/Caregiver and Teacher forms
Year: 2016
Objective of Development:
Maladaptive Behavior Domain: To provide a brief assessment of problem behaviors as well as to help diagnose and to determine if a more in-depth assessment of problematic behavior is warranted
Population of Development: Age range (therapeutic indication):
3-90 years (Generic for Psychiatry/Psychology)
Pediatric Population(s) in which COA has been used:
Vineland Maladaptive Behavior Domain:
Mental disorders ; Wounds and injuries
COA type:
Number of Items 35 items
Mode of Administration:
Data Collection Mode:
Time for Completion: 2-3 min
Response Scales: 3-point Likert/Likert-type Scale ranging from 0 "Never" to 2 "Often"
Summary of Scoring:
Available Scores:
- Score by domains
- Score by items
- No
- No
Score Direction:
- Higher score = More problem behavior
Content Validity
Evidence of Literature Review: None identified
Evidence of Instrument Review: None identified
Evidence of Clinical or Expert Input: None identified
Evidence of concept elicitation in target patient population: None identified
Evidence of a Saturation Grid: None identified
Evidence for Selection of Data Collection Method: None identified
Recall/Observation Period:
Evidence for Selection of Reponse Options: None identified
Evidence of cognitive interviewing of draft instrument in target patient population: None identified
Evidence of Preliminary Scoring of Items and Domains: None identified
Evidence related to respondent and administrator burden: None identified
Evidence of a Conceptual Framework: None identified
Evidence of an item-tracking matrix: None identified
Evidence related to item selection: None identified
Evidence of re-testing the final version: None identified
Internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha): None identified
Evidence of internal consistency:
Test-retest Reliability (ICC):
None identified
Inter-rater/ inter-interviewer reliability (kappa):
None identified
Evidence of test-retest or inter-rater reliability: None identified
Concurrent validity (convergent, divergent):
None identified
Known-group validity:
None identified
Evidence of Translatability Assessment: None identified
Evidence related to missing data: None identified
Evidence for Selection of Recall Period: None identified
Evidence of Administration Instructions and Training Provided: Yes
Evidence of concurrent validity: None identified
Evidence of known-groups validity: None identified
Evidence of ability to detect change over time: None identified
Ability to Detect Change
Ability to detect change (Responsiveness):
None identified
Responder Thresholds
Responder Thresholds:
Pearson Website
- Population/Disease: Referent population
- Method used: CID - Distribution
- Results: Standardized score (15±3)
Age ranged: not stated
Evidence of responder thresholds: Yes
Reference(s) of development / validation
Pearson’s Clinical Assessment group. Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales | Third Edition [Internet].Bloomington, USA: Pearson; Consulted on March 23rd. Available from:
Sparrow, S. S., Cicchetti, D. V., & Saulnier, C. A. (2016). Vineland adaptive behavior scales: Third edition (Vineland-3). Bloomington: NCS Pearson
Other references
Farmer C, Adedipe D, Bal VH, Chlebowski C, Thurm A. Concordance of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, second and third editions. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2020 Jan;64(1):18-26 (; Farmer C, Adedipe D, Bal VH, Chlebowski C, Thurm A. Concordance of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, second and third editions. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2020 Jan;64(1):18-26. doi: 10.1111/jir.12691. Epub 2019 Oct 28. PMID: 31657503; PMCID: PMC6941197.
Inclusion of the COA in product labelling
None identified
Existence of Scoring / Interpretation / User Manual
Original language and translations
Original language: English
Translations: Spanish
References of translations
None identified
Condition of use: copyright
*With fees for academic/non profit research
*With fees for commercial/pharmaceutical companies
*With the signature of a contract/agreement
*Other: Please contact Pearson Assessment, Inc.
Review copy
Please contact Pearson Assessment, Inc