The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Infant Test of Neuromuscular Disorders (CHOP-INTEND)

COA At-a-Glance

Evidence of cognitive interviewing of draft instrument in target patient population

Evidence of internal consistency

Evidence of test-retest or inter-rater reliability

Evidence of concurrent validity

Evidence of known-groups validity

Evidence of ability to detect change over time

Evidence of responder thresholds

Inclusion of the COA in product labelling

Daily function
Gross motor function


Instrument Name: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Infant Test of Neuromuscular Disorders (CHOP-INTEND)

Abbreviation: CHOP-INTEND

Points for Consideration:

Has been used in EMA and FDA labels

Description of Tool:

The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Infant Test of Neuromuscular Disorders (CHOP-INTEND) is a 16 -item ClinRO used to assess motor skill in spinal muscular atrophy type I in ages 1-38 months. 3-, 4-, 5-point Likert Scale ranging from 0 to 4. Higher score = Better motor skills

Minimum Qualification Required by COA Administrator: PhD or MA

Year: 2010

Objective of Development:

To assess motor skill in spinal muscular atrophy type I

Population of Development: Age range (therapeutic indication):

1.4-37.9 months (Muscular Atrophy, Spinal)

Pediatric Population(s) in which COA has been used:

Nervous System Diseases; Musculoskeletal Diseases; Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases; Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities

COA type:

Number of Items 16

Mode of Administration:

Data Collection Mode:

Time for Completion: Not reported

Response Scales: Varies by item: 3-, 4-, or 5-point categorical responses based on examination

Summary of Scoring:

Available scores: Global score ranging from 0 to 64

Weighting: No

Score Interpretation: Higher score = Better motor skills

Content Validity

Evidence of Literature Review: Yes

Evidence of Instrument Review: Yes

Evidence of Clinical or Expert Input: Yes

Evidence of concept elicitation in target patient population: None identified

Evidence of a Saturation Grid: None identified

Evidence for Selection of Data Collection Method: None identified

Recall/Observation Period:

Evidence for Selection of Reponse Options: Yes

Evidence of cognitive interviewing of draft instrument in target patient population: None identified

Evidence of Preliminary Scoring of Items and Domains: None identified

Evidence related to respondent and administrator burden: Yes

Evidence of a Conceptual Framework: None identified

Evidence of an item-tracking matrix: None identified

Evidence related to item selection: Yes

Evidence of re-testing the final version: None identified


Internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha): None Identified

Inter-rater/ inter-interviewer reliability (kappa):

Glanzmann (2010)
Intra-rater reliability
- Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC): 0.96
- Was a definition of stability applied to identify stable patients: No
- Time frame or interval between the two administrations: 2 months
- Population/Disease: Infants with SMA-I (mean age 11.5 months; (age range 1.4–37.9 months); n= 9

Inter-rater reliability
1- Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC): 0.98
- Population/Disease: Infants with a variety of neuromuscular diseases (age range Not stated); n= 10

2- Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC): 0.93
- Population/Disease: Typically developing infants (age range 36 weeks to 8 months); n= 8

Evidence of test-retest or inter-rater reliability: Yes


Concurrent validity (convergent, divergent):

AlfaNo L (2019)
- Correlation coefficient used: Not stated
- Measure: Neuromuscular gross motor outcome (GRO)
- Results: CHOP NTEND was significantly correlated with the GRO
- Population/Disease: Patients with SMA types 1 to 3; n= 41;mean age: 6.9 ± 6.1 years, range: 0.4 – 31.1

Known-group validity:

Glanzmann (2011)
1- Measure/Groups of patients: Age and months since symptom onset
- A priori hypotheses: Not stated
- Were hypotheses confirmed: Not applicable
- Results: Pearson correlation coefficient.
- There were significant correlations between CHOP-INTEND scores and age (r= -0.51; p= 0.0.007) and months since symptom onset (r= -0.49; p= 0.005)
- When patients were categorized by SMN2 copy number, the correlation between age and copy number was stronger. In patients with 2 copies of SMN2, r= 0.60 (n=16; p= 0.015), and in those with 3 copies, r= 0.83 (n= 9; p= 0.005)

KNown-groups validity
2- Measure/Groups of patients: Patients requiring bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) (n= 15) vs patients Not requiring BiPAP (n= 12)
- A priori hypotheses: Not stated
- Were hypotheses confirmed: Not applicable
- Results: T-test; Pearson correlation coefficient.
- Patients who required BiPAP (mean= 15.2± 10.2) and those who did Not have a requirement for BiPAP (mean= 31.2±4.2) scored significantly differently on the CHOP INTEND (p< 0.0001) - The difference between patients requiring more than 8 hours of BiPAP and those needing less than 8 hours was also significant (n= 26, p< 0.0001). The duration of BiPAP required had a significant correlation with the CHOP INTEND score (r= 0.74; p< 0.0001) - Population/Disease: Subjects with SMA-I (age range 3 to 260 months; mean= 49, SD= 69); n= 27

Evidence of Translatability Assessment: None identified

Evidence related to missing data: None identified

Evidence for Selection of Recall Period: None identified

Evidence of Administration Instructions and Training Provided: None identified

Evidence of concurrent validity: Yes

Evidence of known-groups validity: Yes

Evidence of ability to detect change over time: None

Ability to Detect Change

Ability to detect change (Responsiveness):

None identified

Responder Thresholds

Evidence of responder thresholds: None identified

Reference(s) of development / validation

Glanzman AM, Mazzone E, Main M, Pelliccioni M, Wood J, Swoboda KJ, Scott C, Pane M, Messina S, Bertini E, Mercuri E, Finkel RS. The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Infant Test of Neuromuscular Disorders (CHOP INTEND): test development and reliability. Neuromuscul Disord. 2010 Mar;20(3):155-61 (Full text article:

Glanzman AM, McDermott MP, Montes J, Martens WB, Flickinger J, Riley S, Quigley J, Dunaway S, O'Hagen J, Deng L, Chung WK, Tawil R, Darras BT, Yang M, Sproule D, De Vivo DC, Kaufmann P, Finkel RS; Pediatric Neuromuscular Clinical Research Network for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (PNCR); Muscle Study Group (MSG). Validation of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Infant Test of Neuromuscular Disorders (CHOP INTEND). Pediatr Phys Ther. 2011 Winter;23(4):322-6 (Full text article:

Other references

Cech D, Biedry NL. Commentary on "Validation of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Infant Test of Neuromuscular Disorders (CHOP INTEND)". Pediatr Phys Ther. 2011 Winter;23(4):327 (Full text article:

See (PubMed results:

Glanzman AM, McDermott MP, Montes J, Martens WB, Flickinger J, Riley S, Quigley J, Dunaway S, O'Hagen J, Deng L, Chung WK, Tawil R, Darras BT, Yang M, Sproule D, De Vivo DC, Kaufmann P, Finkel RS; Pediatric Neuromuscular Clinical Research Network for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (PNCR); Muscle Study Group (MSG). Validation of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Infant Test of Neuromuscular Disorders (CHOP INTEND). Pediatr Phys Ther. 2011 Winter;23(4):322-6 [Full Text Article:]

Inclusion of the COA in product labelling


Existence of Scoring / Interpretation / User Manual

Original language and translations

Original: English for the USA

None identified

References of translations


Authors and contact information

Allan M. Glanzman
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
3401 Civic Center Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 10104

Cassie Tran
Senior Licensing Associate
Office of TechNology Transfer
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia


Not reported

Review copy

Review copy available in Table 1 in Glanzmann AM, 2010: